G2C is super excited to announce our newest online partner, Bheveni CarePoint. Bheveni is a CarePoint community located in rural Engculuini, Swaziland that is providing a hope and future for 150 children through a sponsorship program with Children's HopeChest.
The program is a holistic and long term program that addresses 5 areas of need for these children; Physical Development, Educational Development, Emotional needs and Life Skills. For as little as $1 a day or $34 or a month, a family sponsoring a child through Bheveni is the conduit to allow a child these opportunities and gets to experience the joy of letter writing and even the opportunity to GO and love the child they are supporting through trips into Bheveni.
Education is a gift that many take for granted in the States. This isn't the case in Swaziland. In order for a child to receive an education in Swaziland they must pay tuition. This can cost anywhere between $40 to $700 dollars per year depending on the grade level. A student is also not allowed to graduate to the next grade level until their previous tuition is paid. This is why several of the children in Bheveni who are teenagers can still be found in the 4th or 5th grade. It is heartbreaking to know that the only thing standing in between these children and an educated future is financial resources.
Because of this, the Bheveni CarePoint community and those who sponsor it's children are passionate about providing this resource and have developed a program called B.E.S.T (Bheveni Education Scholarship Trust). Trust is a funding program that the in country staff will be able to pull from should a child's family not be able to provide those resources at the discretion of Children's HopeChest.
Ground to Cup is thrilled to be a partner in this program. Each time a purchase is made in their name, here, 40% of that purchase will be given back to Bheveni CarePoint for the B.E.S.T program.
We can't think of a better way of providing a Hope and Future to a child than providing them with the opportunity to provide themselves one through an education! We are thrilled to partner with Bheveni CarePoint and their sponsoring families!
This sponsorship and CarePoint community is also looking for an additional 35 families to sponsor children. As well, if you are interested in joining them, they will be taking a trip into Bheveni in Swaziland, Africa on September 17-28th of this year. They would love for you to join them yourselves and see how every choice you make, including the coffee you drink each day, can impact a life.
Just think, your morning cup of coffee, something you do every day, could indeed provide a child an education and a future!
If you are interested in sponsoring a child through Bheveni or in joining the trip, you can find Bheveni CarePoint through Facebook and contact their Sponsorship Coordinator, Danielle Brower there.
The children line up on primitive wooden benches for their lessons. These are children either too young for school or children who cannot pay the school fees and are therefore not in school. |